
North Yorkshire SACRE: Development Plan 2020 – 2022

Priority 1: Implementation of the Locally Agreed Syllabus


Target: RE teachers throughout the LA are confident in their delivery of the syllabus; good RE is taught and learned throughout the LA


Intended Impact: Schools understand the value of good RE in the personal development of their pupils and their understanding of society




People involved


 Monitoring and Evaluation

Progress made June 2021

Support is put in place to ensure  full implementation of the Agreed Syllabus throughout the LA

2020 -2021

LA officer

Teachers’ networks

Members of SACRE

Cost of providing training

Schools will have implemented the new syllabus by September 2020; and in 2021 it will be developing within classrooms and good practice will be shared

On-going implementation,

Reports to SACRE from schools planned for September 21 (postponed due to COVID disruption to schools)

Monitor the effective teaching of RE throughout the LA and explore ways to model best practice in RE



LA officers

Members of SACRE have opportunities to visit examples of best practice

Costs of visits to schools and of providing training

Monitoring of RE is built into LA systems and processes

SACRE will have clear and up-to-date information on how RE is taught in schools

and academies

New officers are aware of the processes needed and provide the monitoring and information to SACRE in regular reports at meetings.

Visits to schools have not yet been possible due to COVID restrictions.

Scrutinise relevant OFSTED reports and data


LA officer

Members of SACRE


SACRE members will be more aware of how schools in the LA are improving


This is now a regular agenda item.

Priority 1 Continued



People involved


 Monitoring and Evaluation

Progress made June 2021

Receive teacher feedback on areas to improve for the next syllabus update


LA officer

Members of SACRE

Teachers of RE

Teacher travel expenses for attending SACRE meetings

Teachers to be invited to bring reports to SACRE meetings in person or through electronic means, enabling  greater awareness of their views in preparation for the next syllabus

Online networks are active among primary schools. Secondary network meetings have been organised and relationships are being forged with Subject Leaders.

Pupil feedback on RE


SACRE members

Teachers and pupils


Travel expenses

SACRE members receive first-hand evidence of pupil response through visits to SACRE meetings, SACRE meetings held in schools, or through electronic means

Virtual reports will be invited for SACRE meetings from Autumn 2021 and on-going.


Priority 2 starts on the next page


Priority 2: To operate effectively as a SACRE


Target: Clear and positive collaboration between the LA and SACRE, within SACRE, and between SACRE and schools


Intended Impact: The work of North Yorkshire SACRE is meaningful and valued as it works effectively to fulfil its brief



People involved


 Monitoring and Evaluation       

Progress made June 2021

Undertake a skills audit of all SACRE members



Members of SACRE

Clerk to SACRE


The relevant skills of SACRE members will be used to good effect


Planned for autumn 2021, having been postponed due to meeting restrictions.

Provide training for SACRE members


LA officer

Members of SACRE


Costs of training programmes if bought in, costs of bringing speakers  to

SACRE meetings

Members of SACRE will gain new skills so that all contribute to the effective working of the body

A training session of one hour took place during the April meeting. Training in a number of areas related to working as an effective SACRE is being planned as a regular part of SACRE meetings.

Build capacity within SACRE




LA officer

Chair of SACRE




Attendance at meetings is regular and  vacancies are filled; all committees are well represented

Three vacancies have been filled. New contacts have been made with the Hindu Education Board and the local Society of Friends. Other contacts are being followed up by the Clerk to SACRE. All members have received an e mail reminding them of the commitment necessary to be part of a SACRE. Attendance has improved during the period of virtual meetings.


Priority 2 Continued



People involved


 Monitoring and Evaluation       

Progress made June 2021

Develop our systems and procedures through the LA to ensure we fulfil our duties



LA Adviser

Chair of SACRE


Effective communication and regular liaison between SACRE, democratic services and Children’s services

SACRE has the full complement of LA officers working with us.

SACRE members regularly have opportunities to experience RE and Collective Worship in schools

2022- on-going

Chair of SACRE

LA officers

Members of SACRE


Travel expenses?

Schools are aware of, and make use of, the resources of SACRE; monitoring is more effective throughout the LA

Delayed due to COVID restrictions.

Virtual presentations will be invited for future meetings from September 2021.

SACRE to respond to the recommendations of key partners and identify key priorities for NYCC


Clerk to SACRE

Chair of SACRE


SACRE is in step with current recommendations

The Annual Report was presented to the Mid Cycle Briefing of the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 28th May 2021 by the Chair and Professional RE Advisor.

Revise and improve the format and content of the Annual Report


Chair of SACRE

RE adviser

Members of SACRE


Partners will receive a fuller picture of the work and scope of SACRE each year and will be able to engage more easily with the work of SACRE

The Annual Report for 2019/20 was approved at the January 2021 meeting and sent to the DfE and to NASACRE. The Professional RE Adviser and the LA Officer attended a workshop on preparing an Annual Report at the NASACRE AGM, 24th May 2021. The next Report will be as complete as possible under existing school conditions, with time allocated in the SACRE meeting for input from members.


Priority 3: Active links between SACRE and the LA


Target: The LA recognises and supports the work of SACRE


Intended Impact: SACRE is more able to fulfil its brief; the LA  provides the means of support for SACRE to do so




People involved


 Monitoring and Evaluation

Progress made June 2021

Active and regular LA representation in SACRE meetings


LA officer

Other LA representatives as appropriate



Members of SACRE are aware of relevant LA policies, greater evidence of a supportive relationship between the LA and SACRE

LA officers from Children’s Services, Democratic Services and the Professional Officer are working with SACRE and attend meetings.

Half-termly liaison meetings have been set up between the LA and Professional RE officer, Democratic Services, Chair and Vice-Chair of SACRE to improve communication and action.

Ensure LA support in staffing and funding


LA officer

Other LA representatives as appropriate

Clerk to SACRE

Staffing costs

Funding for wider SACRE work and officers as necessary


SACRE is represented at NASACRE and other relevant conferences; SACRE meetings are clerked; school-based actions are funded; SACRE is appropriately funded as per DFE expectations

SACRE is fully staffed by the LA.  Funding has been identified. The Chair attended the NASACRE virtual EGM in November 2021. The Chair, Professional Advisor and LA Officer attended the NASACRE virtual AGM in May 2021.